Thursday, May 10, 2007 9 May (wed)collected my shoes tat i bot wks ago online. thank god its e right size. went toys 'r' us. bot 2 rubik's cubic. 1 for dear 1 for mi. they finally have it after being oos for sooooo long. went popular to get more pens juz in case. 10 May (today) finished my paper quite early. managed to leave 30 mins b4 the paper ends. this paper shouldnt be a pblm. =) actually all 4 papers this wk shouldnt be a pblm. the big pblm are the ones next wk. esp CL (commercial law). i HATE law. ARGH!! die die oso muz pass. tis is the onli paper i dun have any confident. sigh. nvm, shall work extremely hard for the rest of the paper. gambatei!!! 2 down 7 more to go. my stuff should arrive ard next wk. =)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 juz had my first paper yesterday.should b able to do well. rewarded myself by gettin myself a m)phosis off shoulder top. its realli nice. (at least tats wat i tink) will wear it after my exams. my little miss stubborn tee has arrived. (after soooo long). online shoppin is killin mi man.. orderin so much online.. f21, wetseal, a&f, taiwan auctions.... told dear should stop meetin until my exams are over. which means we wun be meetin for 12-13 days. kinda regretted sayin tat but i realli need more time to study.. 9 papers in 2 wks... WTF!! i have a whole list of things i wanna do after my exams.. BUT first i shall conquer all e papers one by one. LOL.
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