Monday, April 30, 2007 my last blog is dated 14 march. tats wayyyyyy to long ago man.im juz to lazy to blog. troublesome to wait for pics to load, choose nice pics tink of wat to write n stuff.. prefer to view ppl's blog instead. but since i've collected quite a no. of pics ....so i shall blog NOW!!! haha dear's back from brunei for > 1 mth++ n hes definitely much sweeter than b4. i like!! lol 23/3 (fri) e day my army boi came back from brunei. 24/3 (sat) i remember goin vivo wif dear n took some pics b4 goin hm. pics taken from my v3 phone. tat explains e poor photo quality. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 8/4 (sun) random pics. 11/4(wed) my dbs ib device finally arrive n im hooked to online sprees. so cool n im luvin' it!! 15/4(sun) wkend spend hangin ard orchard wif my boy. thai express settles our hungry stomachs. gt e thai express card. recommend: tom yam seafood + pineapple rice. yummilicious!~~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 17/4(tues) finally bot donuts from donut factory wif e help of my dear classmates who happen to be queuing as well. =D ![]() ![]() its ben n jerry's free cone day!! Q at raffles city's ben n jerry wif some of my classmates. Q-ed 2 times. opPs =p 1st time: strawberry cheesecake 2nd: oatmeal something~~ (has cinammon in it) prefer e oatmeal favour. 18/4(wed) dear bot a new phone. nokia 6300. look damn nice n cool. 21/4(sat) first of all, HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED WENWEN!!! *present will be given when we meet after our exams* finally wore my mango striped tube dress. went vivo in e afternoon. bot a cutie mini fan. veri useful coz i perspire a lot. lol. went elizabeth hotel n watch arsenal match for e second time wif dear ard evening tym. tryin to act cute.haha my cute little mini fan. =D @ medesto elizabeth poolside. 27/4 (fri) hang ard wif dear. walk ard raffles city. dear bot his cap n keychain; von bot cap n sandals. its nice n we lyk our purchases so its worth e price. =) $96 more spend within one mth n we r entitled to be their VIP member which means 15% discount. woot! in case any one of u wan to buy stuff from there, the shop is call: ANIMAL! dinner @ paragon thai express wif dear's mum n auntie. late nite movie @ cine. 30/4 (mon) meet dear after my lesson. ate @ funan TCC. e food @ TCC nv fail to impress mi. portion is big n taste yummy. still $21.95 more n we'll be gettin our TCC card. yuppieeee!! drinks r so-so onli. e food is much better. TMH sandwich is served with lots of mango(=DDD) and ham. chicken chop wif curry is great as well. from L to R: e dunno-why-so-happy look( but i lyk..haha), e round face look, e pretendin-to-look-at-sumthin look went sim lim coz dear wanna get his mouse. acc dear for his MRI. dear went for his bball match n i went home. *i lyk e casio watch. its sooo nice. red/black?? hmm.. confirmin gettin it after my exams. acts as some sort of motivation for mi. =) so excited coz my online purchaseswill be arriving soon. some should arrive by tis month i guess. shall switch to study mode now. tagboard will be up after my exam. lazy to fiddle ard wif e codes. meetin meida n gang tml morning @ changi airport b4 meida n keng flies off to aussie. shall study @ e airport tml. study day. till den...
Yvonne ~Adores~
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Havaianas ~Waiting List~
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