Sunday, January 28, 2007 juz saw the death news of one of the promising young stars from the taiwan industry, xu wei lun. she's sucha pretty young lady, nt realli a cutie lyk those artist out there but she's DEFINITELY one wif great looks, talent, well-mannered and a lovable guai guai type of ger tat no one would expect such a thing to have happen.come to tink of it, its realli veri unfair. she's onli a young lady in her 20s. she still has such a long road ahead of her. juz bcoz of one accident, everythin is gone. y do gd n nice ppl always have sad endings? n e bad n evil ones? they r often loaded and leadin a happy life. tis is so damn unfair. saw a bus ad on e way home. it reads sumthin lyk tis: the outcome to the end matters, but often its the journey to the end tat is realli impt. MEANINGFUL AD!!! perhaps it reaali brings sorrows to those who care for her at this pt but hey at least she has a bunch of nice frenz beside her when sumthin happens and that her role in the media industry has brought joy to many and she has led a beautiful life. tis incident makes mi realli ponder over life. its realli veri fragile. life can be taken away from u any moment. don't take things for granted. cherish life and treasure those ard u.
Monday, January 15, 2007 it's been a wk since i last update my post.i forsee tat i'll b veri beezee for the next couple of wks( bocs of 3 tootpid assignments all due next month) so might as well blog now. my memory is kinda bad so muz write down every detail of my life in case if i wana look back n dunno wat interestin thing actually happen to mi. last monday was Dear's bday. woah. its a once in a yr kinda big thing but hes spendin it in camp. hope he lyks his bdae present. =p last wed was quite fun i should say. ladies nite at zouk wif e gers ( meida, wan keng, pheng hui, su yun). drank ribenna volka. 1st virgin visit there. 1st time dancing(actually muz move a bit onli la..lol) on e dance floor. 1st tym wear my leggings. 1st tym wearin my heels without any blisters and major discomfort. (MIRACLE!!.. lol) dance a while until 12. headed home. last thurs stay back until 6 plus to do MI assignment wif jiamin. went off early to Dear's place cos he gt nite out. so sudden man. i rush back home to get his keys n rush to his place. hectic man. haha last fri was a slackin day. nth much. last sat was Juvena's 21st birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! so sorry tat i had to go when i reach. realli realli sorry man. sat n sun was spend w Dear. actuualy onli one and a half days. cos he book out on sat nt fri anymore. haiz. have to plan my timetable so tati will nt slack too much n finish up all my 3 assignments in tym n oso have to take into consideration e days Dear get to nite out and whether he get to book out earlier/ later n stuff lyk tat. since e sky is so sunny n gd to mi today, i shall go to the library now n do my research. studious von von putttin on her studious cap. wat rubbish. haha.
Monday, January 08, 2007 HAPPY 23th BIRTHDAY my dear!!!
Friday, January 05, 2007 2006 isnt a veri gd yr for mi cos theres juz so many unhappy things happenin ard mi.realli hope tat the 'swayness' in mi will shoo off n stop persterin ard mi cos i totally hate it. xmas eve was spent wif Dear, wen, n their bunch of poly mates at settlers' cafe(Holland V branch) in e afternoon playin board games. went separate ways after tat. Dear n i went Orchard n gai gai. I left to meet meida, keng, fang n wen (my fav bunch of gers) at settlers' cafe(Katong branch). went to e same place within e same day but it was definitely fun!! i realli feel v relax n comfy when im wif them. took e last bus home after tat. Thanks Dear for e Xmas present. =) went wif wen to isetan private sale on 28/12. i realli spend a bomb man. bot 1 top, 1 shorts, lingeries, leggings, Dear's bdae present. i accumulated my card pts from i tink 30 to almost 300. so i guess its rather easy to guess e amt i spent rite?? (e pts also include things wen bot oso but of cos i spend more la..lol) one of e terms in the isetan card says: accumulate 300 pts within a period of 6 mths n i'll be able to get $10 voucher. so i'll be gettin my voucher real soon. tat sounds kinda pathetic but better than nuthin rite? lol. we shopped practically from dusk to dawn. met at ard 9 and left for hm at ard 7 or 8 plus. its so remarkable!! cos i haven shopped for tis long for ages. NYE wasn't veri special for mi cos i didnt manage to c e fireworks nor did i went for any party. but im realli a simple person. as long as Dear's wif mi im satisfied. Dear n i sorta countdown together on e train. i luv tis kinda feeling. sch started on e 3rd. i wasnt veri excited nor happy abt it cos Ronald kor kor who pei mi thru all e classes is gone. He actually quit sch. Haiz. Now i realli gt no fren in sch liao. e worst is when jiamin msg mi sumthin juz now sayin viet(sum foreign student in my class which i dunno who she is) actually wan to pair up wif her to do assignment but when jiamin wan mi to join as well, she dun wan. What that means sia. wats so bad abt doin assigment wif mi?? wat the hell man?? did i offend u or sumthin?? i agree tat im a lone ranger in class cos i realli gt no fren in class. im not a sociable person n i realli tink tat e best way to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding is to keep quiet and do ur own stuff. maybe im wrong. im beginning to tink tat im a veri destestable person cos i realli have veri little fren ard mi. i realli dunno who to trust n who nt to trust after hearin sum stories from my poly fren. y cun e world be more simpler?? y muz it be so complicated?? haiz.. suddenly i dread goin to sch but i know i cun have such childish tinkin. i shall try to be more mature in handlin such situation. resolutions for 2007:
2007 brand new year brand new von!! Aza Aza Fightin!!!
Yvonne ~Adores~
HYQ ~Wishlist~
Havaianas ~Waiting List~
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