Thursday, December 21, 2006 isetan private sale is cumin in exactly a wks time. WOW!!!received the isetan newsletter juz now. can u imagine how excited i am. haha. i even wrote down wat i wan to buy. shall go down some day b4 the sale starts to try all the clothes n stuff cos i noe there will surely b a long queue on tat day. so looking forward cos tats my purpose for gettin e isetan card. To get into the private sale n grab all e nice nice stuff with lots n lots of discounts. hee. i've booked my dearest kaiwen to acc mi liao. one more extra ticket. i forgot which day Dear have to go back camp liao. Hopefully its not thurs so he can help mi carry all e stuff. haha. i've gt quite a no. of things to buy n hopefully i can clear almost 80% in my wishlist after the private sale.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 haven been updatin since for nearly a month. oh my gawd!! tats so long!! im juz plain lazy to go into blogger.com n type everythin out. so ma fan. since now i gt mood might as well post sumthin up or else i tink cobwebs might start growin. haha.photos from e veri outdated vivo city trip with kaiwen (16 nov 06) ![]() ![]() ![]() 3 dec 2006 ![]() ![]() ![]() 4 dec 2006 ![]() ![]() ![]() 5 dec 2006 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() noticed any difference in mi??? wats e differences when u c e normal mi n mi in e 4 pics?? heee. HINT: the eyes. 16 dec 2006 dinner wif sis's bunch of gfs at Century Square's Soup Restuarant. traditional chinese food but it juz taste so yummilicious!! noticed sum interestin stuff durin their conversation: 1. western women tend to b bigger in size n thus their fingers r bigger so wedding rings r likely to b 2-3 carats. wow!! 2. poor ppl tend to give more money to charity then the rich. the poor ppl noes wat it feel to b poor n unfortunate while the rich will nv understand the poor n unfornate's plight. true?? and many many more interesting things as well. when can i b mature enuff to b in their lvl?? mature as in their way of tokin n tinkin. 17 dec 2006 i FINALLY cook sumthin special for Dear. i cooked lunch for him. Von, the idiot in cookin actually cooked lunch??!! unbelievable rite?? actually dear help out quite a lot when i was cookin so hes doin lyk 70% of the job while im doin onli 30%. haha. ![]() look delicious rite?? =) will b meetin my beloved wenwen tml for sum xmas shoppin. yuppie!! xmas is cumin which means 2006 is cumin to an end real soon. good news will b tat Dear gt leave for the whole wk of xmas except for the 2 days. =) bad news will be tat 2007 is nearin which means my holidays will be over veri SOON which means i have to return to sch for e new semester. BOO!! =(
Yvonne ~Adores~
HYQ ~Wishlist~
Havaianas ~Waiting List~
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