Friday, July 28, 2006 *von*-> dear's back from his field trip. tokin to him rite now. =)y does army bois have so many things to do. cun have a proper nice chat wif him. humpf* y have to buy so many weird stuff. machiam lyk those pri sch kids doin some sci experiment. have to gather all e materials in order to do the experiment. lol schs fine for mi rite now. choose e major yesterday. international business management. sounds ok rite?? lol 2nd book-out for him tml. yuppie!! i can c my army boi again. HORRAY~~
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 *von* -> friday: no school for mi. cycle at ECP wif dearest kaiwen. soooo fun. took lotsa pics while cycling. walked ard parkway parade n chill at mos burger. haven been there for quite a while. used to go there go K last time. lots of new shops have open since it renovated. topshop, m)phosis, novo, etc can be found at the east. how convenient man. I no longer have to travel all e way to town to shop anymore. haha. if onli forever21 can have its outlets in the east as well.went to meet meida at bugis after tat. chill n toking time at coffee bean. e best part is we didnt order anythin. we juz sit there n chat lyk nobodys business. LOL saturday: finally get to c him wif his new image. botak liao. haha. looks kinda cute thou. =p fetch him from pasir ris. reach his hse when he realise his keys r inside e hse. -_-" went to get keys n FINALLY got into e hse at abt 2+ goin to 3 i tink. haha. he went for his training in e evening n i went hm. tats how i spend my precious saturday. short but nice saturday. =) sunday: went beach rd wif dear to get his army stuff. saw desmond koh n e actor from the movie "i not stupid". booked tickets online.rushed back to tampines to watched POC2. collect tickets n den dear went high n low searchin for toilets (from lvl b1 to lvl4). all were too occupied, too stinko or both. lol dear was practically fallin asleep 3/4 of e show. n e "best" part is we missed e credits part of e show. sigh. rush backed n helped dear wif his packin. everythin is so rush within this 2 days. send him off at pasir ris. BOO!! i hate those "havin-to-say-gdbye-moments" soooo sadddd =( monday: met kaiwen after her driving lesson. wanted to catch a glimpse of meida at work but shes nt workin today. o0O. walked ard e malls aimlessly. tats how bo liao we are. haha went paragon GUESS to check if my dream wallet is still there. out of stock ISLAND-WIDE. OMG! y is it always lyk tat. when i want sumthin i can never have it. Soooo damn sad. i shall try my luck again tis weekend. *pray hard* afterwhich, we rested our tired feets at breadtalk cafe. so ex. can onli afford a bottle of mineral water which taste soo yucky. home swt home after tat. dear called back at abt 10 plus. hang on there n come out soon k? hee.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 *von* -> new com without pics n my whole chunk of songs. haiz. hard disk spoil. i wan ALLL my pics back. they r sooooo precious to mi. they contain memories of wat i've been thru. its all gone juz lyk tat. ARGH!! i wanna retrieve my data back at a cheap cost but GOOD service. am i askin for too much?? lolmonday:town-ed ard orchard after lesson wif my dearest kaiwen. everytym im wif her it juz reminds mi of those sec days. so carefree as compared to now. sometimes i realli feel lyk im gettin older. no longer e little ger where i can get watever i wan without any diffculty. e world out there is juz so complicated. im nt sure if im able to handle it at this moment yet. realli envy those babies n little kids out there. no worries. their world is filled with happiness every single day. its realli gettin scarier as days goes by(bcos of various reasons i guess). a few yrs back - how i wish i can throw all those books aside. no exam, no test n juz play all day. - future seems so far. - gers gathering everyday before flag-raising is a MUST!! - simple ppl simple minds. nt much backstabbin n stuff. - life revolves ard studies, frens n family. now - still studyin but cannot play as much. - have to think about consequences for every action made. - gers gathering is sooo RARE!! - backstabbers, liars, betrayers r common norms in our society. - life revolves ard studies, frens, family n DEAR!! =) how i wish life is simpler. simple life for a simple ger. hope dear can adapt to army life n enjoy his stay in there. try to get 8-5 k dear? its gd for u n for mi as well =) i noe things r not goin right for ya right now BUT no matter wat happens, juz remember - i'll always be here for u!! waitin for u to book out on sat. i wanna watch movie wif u. i wanna take picture wif u. i wanna go shoppin wif u. i wanna go where u wanna go. i juz wanna spend the precious 2 days with u. 3 more days...
Sunday, July 16, 2006 *von* -> dear sms a veri sweettt msg a few days again (14/7) when he fail to call mi for 3 days cos of some reasons. ok, u shall be forgiven. loldear called back yest several times at 11+ n ard 8+. e calls were cut off multiple times cos dear's phone is wayyy too old i guess. nvm, as long as i get to tok to him im happy enuff. =) 6 more days... yuppie!! went dining with my mum, sis n my 2 cousins from holland at e palm beach restaurant at e merlion(most famous for their crabs). i guess their main language is dutch so its kinda difficult to communicate with them. one funny incident: Sis: Ni hen jing leh. ( u veri quiet leh.) Cousin: She mou lai de? (wats tat?) All of us: HAHAHAHA!!! i tink we used to play together when we were much younger but i dun remember any part of it. my memory is getter worse. my mum n mi were suppose to meet them at raffles place mrt. mummy walked so fast tat i couldnt catch up. so when i went up e escalator, i tot she muz b juz in front or sumthin. but she was nowhere in sight. juz den, i happen to c 2 young bois in front of mi. my younger cousin still has this baby look so i recognise them without much difficulty. They dun realli noe im their cousin cos they said at the dinner they tot someone was tryin to get their number or tryin to get to noe them. LOL walked ard esplanade with them n den took taxi back cos sis needs to pack her luggage. cab fares r real ex nowadays. started running from $ 6.50 cos we call the cab instead of queuein for it. suppose to meet kw yest but she had sumthin on. haiz. tot i'll rot at hm facing e 4 walls. luckily my hp ring juz in time. my cousin from holland ask mi out cos he is soooo bored. since im bored too, so y not? meet at bugis. walked ard, nth much. change location to orchard. we combed almost all e shoppin malls in orchard: far east, taka, wisma, forum, wheelock's zara, heeren, cineleisure, blar blar blar. towned ard from 1 plus till 7 plus. oh.. my poor tired legs. Guess im too old to shop from one end of orchard till e other end already. haha Nevertheless, i still found things to occupy my shoppin list. i manage to control myself. No impulsive buyin. My dream item: 1. GUESS Wallet. (price a little steep but its real PRETTYYY!!) 2. Motorcycle Bag. (been searchin for a long time.. 39.90.. should i or should i nt??) 3. Thick Belt from FEP. ( 18 bucks onli.. sounds kinda cheap..lol) 4. Pointed White Pumps 5. Bronze bag for sch use. thinkin of gettin e subway card. 6 bucks lifetime membership. CHEAP rite? lyk their sandwiches n cookies. having subway crave for e past wk. so fan.. haiz. anybody free for shoppin next wk? im free on monday, tuesday, wednesday n friday. =) i'll keep my weekends free specially for baby!! so excited to c ur new look n ur hip hop image. hee i wanna take lotsa pics wif u n dun u dare say no. =P
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 *von* -> been receivin calls from dear for the past few nites EXCEPT tonite. =( its 10pm already( his sleepin time) so i guess he wun be callin tonite ba. haiz. hope to hear from him tml nite. =)today is my first day of sch. nth much. juz some intro, briefin n stuff. ended off early. went orchard alone to get extra sequeines( dunno how to spell..lol) for my novo sandals cos they forgot to include it when i bought last sat. bot some food at taka food fair n ate while window shoppin. saw my DREAM WALLET at last!! haha. dunno whether to get it a nt. *hmmm long journey home on bus 65. lucky i have food n mp3 player wif mi. but no shoulder for mi to lean on when i feel lyk sleepin. =( long hrs of "torturing" tml. sian.
Monday, July 10, 2006 *von* -> yest was my 1st sat without dear. tot i will juz stone at hm. luckily kaiwen called. u r my saviour ger! =)went shoppin ard town. we shopped for lyk 6 hrs+ . its a miracle cos normally i walk 3 -4 hrs my legs suan liao. haha Kaiwen bot her stuff n i bot my novo sandals too. *grins 10% discount. im a cheapo. lol we had our dinner at scotts crystal jade. xiao long bao, cong you bing, fried salmon n mushroom buns. xiao long bao can be comparable to ding tai fung's. juz as gd!! 2 thumbs up for cong yu bing. 1 plate of cong yu bing can make u real FULL. dear called while we were havin our dinner. *happy few mins of conversation can realli brighten up my day. =) dear called again today while i was watchin pirates of carribean on chnl 5. we chatted longer today. *smiles dear had to fall in so had to hang up. sigh. nvm i'll be waiting for ur call tml nite. miss u.
Friday, July 07, 2006 felt so lost all of a sudden. its lyk losin sumthin tat have always have part of my life. baby have enter a new phase - from boi to man. duration: 2 long yrs. ( y cun they shorten it.. =X )i knew we would have lesser time for each other therefore i realli cherish every moment spent with him. we were together almost everyday this whole week. i realli hope we can overcome this n not let it be an obstacle to us. went shoppin with him for his army stuff for the past few weeks, "pak-torin", attendin his graduation n den came his enlistment day(7/7/06). =( woke up at 5.45am this morning, prepare everythin n off i go to his hse. took a cab down to pasir ris camp. arrived early at ard 7+. den came e briefin session with e parents n loved ones whereby i gt separated from baby. took a look at his bunk after e briefin. looks alright to mi. haha. den tour ard the canteen, medical centre, gym. afterwhich, is e oath taking ceremony. gt to chit-chat a bit wif baby n den i have to go. so damn sad. when i was on e bus, i suddenly feel so lost. its lyk losin sumthin so precious to u. SHARKS. i hate it. i shed tear on e bus. juz hope e auntie that was sittin beside mi didnt c that. lol. dun feel lyk goin home yet. went orchard alone. shopped at topshop n bot earpiece( cos dear lend mi his mp3 player without earpiece n batt). haha. i appreciate ur gesture veri much. thanks dear. with ur mp3 player, i wun feel so bored durin long journeys. =) i can onli get to c baby on the 22/7. tats a couple of weeks later. omg. tats soooo long. will be anticipatin for 22/7 to arrive faster. i cun wait to c baby thou i juz sent him off tis morning. =P i miss those bus rides with u. i miss playin silly games wif u thou u always win. =P i miss chattin wif u in msn. i miss tokin to u on e phone. i miss ur sms-es. i miss ur sweet n silly actions. i miss ur cold yet funny jokes. i miss e weird reasons u give when u r late. lol i miss e way u look when u sweat. i miss e way u keep feedin mi when i say "i dun wan liao." i miss every single thing abt u. even after receivin ur call at 8+ , i still miss u.
Yvonne ~Adores~
HYQ ~Wishlist~
Havaianas ~Waiting List~
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