Sunday, December 04, 2005 *vOn* -> major decision. rebond or perm...reborn or perm..rebond or.... PERM!! I PERM MY HAIR!!! it look a bit lyk auntie for e whole afternoon till night... looks kinda better nw...hope it will remain lyk tis till i get sick n tired of tis curly wavy thingy... haha not sucha gd day afterall cos gt scolded my mummy n had to wait for someone for lyk 1 hr plus plus plus... but its ok cos im gd at waiting...lol (but will get slightly, a little more n more pissed off as time goes by n e person has yet to arrive). used to dislike saturday for e past few wks...guess tis would b my happiest saturday after so many wks. ^happy vonvon^ smile =)watched 'Zathura' on fri... not as bad as harry potter.. or should i say its realli better than harry potter thou e duration is short but nice. e impt thing is nice. Its always nice to have someone nice to acc u for a nice movie( actually doent matter if its nice or nt..cos e impt thing is u have e right person at e right timing wif u.) >_* should realli say tat cine is a place full of celebs... saw quite a no. of celebs there a few times. i mean those tat hang ard there for a drink, movie n stuff and not for those specially there to host a function, sign CDs n stuff. saw felicia chin n e ruan mian mian( from tong xin yuan) there together last tym. Guess who i saw on fri nite..... make a guess.... ok..i shall give u one clue... e similarity b/w them is tat they both enter showbiz thru singing competition. gt some idea oreadi rite.. haha Answer shall be reveal in the next posting. haha..no la.jk i saw olinda cho( from singapore idol) together wif frenz at lvl 5. Despite being the spokeperson for some slimming thingy n wearin those sexy, lady-like dress for tat ad... i still saw her goin back to her old style.. mayb she isnt too comfortable in a dress afterall. haha den after a few rounds of walkin... i stopped at Yoshinoya... saw someone veri familar... KELLY POON!!! oh my... i was hinting to dear abt kelly inside yoshinoya but he lyk cannot see or sumthin...haha Kelly is juz erm different from what i c from the screen. so completely different tat i almost couldnt recognise her. She look so plain. Plainer than a plain-jane ger. is tat gd?? hmm..
Yvonne ~Adores~
HYQ ~Wishlist~
Havaianas ~Waiting List~
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