Sunday, August 21, 2005 *von* -> time now: 5.20 am . i am stayin up to do my damn uid website. suxs. I hate it. I am just not creative enuff n dun have the ability to create those fancyful n appealing website. Nevertheless, I still stay up the whole nite to sortof complete my work. -come on clap for von von- haha. im mad. left wif my opening movie n game n im complete wif my uid n ammd le... but e game is a torture. esp tat idiotic bryan chong... so ma fan... cannot lyk tis cannot lyk tat.. haiz.. I onli wish i can pass. *pray hard* nth much to say... stress mood.. will update more when all e projects n presentations r all over... den it will b a happy entry. =)
Friday, August 12, 2005 I believe the sun should never set upon an argument *von* -> mum gone. probably on the plane right nw. should b feelin happy tat there will b lesser ppl to nag and nag at mi... but hey im sad... for many many reasons... i duno.. so many tots came running in n out of my mind these few wks.. I kept telling myself to think positively..but hey.. i still hav to face e music.. anyway im realli feelin down and under A LOT A LOT of stress.. studies, family, relationship, friendship.. i dunno.. lyk what dear always says im always full of trouble a lot of problem de.. i oso dunno y.. sigh.. when one pblm start to occur.. another will start happening..and one after another..sometimes i tink im kinda ill-fated but i tried to tink positively by sayin to myself 'im juz different fr others' but it juz make matter worst. when i need someone to hold mi and support mi..no one is ard. when i need someone for encouragement, no one is there. when i do not have the strength to carry on and falls, no one saves mi. sometimes i realli feel so helpless but i try to make myself happier cos i noe i will collapse eventually if i carry on lyk this.. no pics for the tym being cos no mood to take pics , no mood to update pics.. wait till i hav e mood. tough period nw.. i noe i muz hang on..juz a bit more.. hand on till the end of august and i'll be juz fine.. i can do it...yes... =( y does it have to get so complicated.. y cun things b simplier...
Yvonne ~Adores~
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