Saturday, June 18, 2005 ~*~Abt guys ~*~ When a GUY is quiet and is alone, He's is thinking how good you are. When a GUY is lying on his bed, He is thinking deeply why he loves you. When a GUY looks at you in your eyes, He wants to tell you how much he loves you and how important you are. When a GUY answers "I'm Fine" after awhile, He is not and feels hurts. When a GUY keep asking you the same question, He is wondering why you are lying. When a GUY hugs you while sleeping, He is wishing that you belonged to him forever. When a GUY calls you everyday, He Miss You and wants your attention. When a GUY wants to see you everyday, He cares for you and want to know how are you today. When a GUY sms's u everyday, He wants you to know he is fine. When a GUY says I love you, He really means it. When a GUY says that he can't live without you, He has made up his mind that you are his future wife. When a GUY says "I Miss You", He wants to see you immediately. saw tis in friendster. dunno how true is it... to a certain degree?? haha... ( dear..true ma?)
Thursday, June 16, 2005 *von* -> does it realli matter if i go or nt? Will u b happy in e end? The ans is NO. U will feel veri fed up when im so stupid. Juz lyk yest.. So wats e pt. I dun wish to have one more activity less for us to engage in together. I dun wan to embarassed myself in front of u.. n worst..ur frens.. so i rather not go.. Sumtimes i realli tink .. u might leave mi one day bcos of my stupidity. The tot of it makes mi wana "on e tap" . Somehow i feel tat u dun feel happy wif mi. I duno how tat feeling cum abt but im startin to get afraid. Mayb im too paranoid..guess so.. Haiz..
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 *von* -> meet up wif dear yest evening. went to sim lim to check out the laptops cos dear wan it veri badly. afterwhich, we were abit hungry so we walk along e bugis stretch. bumped into sihui n ying seah at bugis street. so qiao hor..*wuha.wuha*..lol den walk along a st...wah... damn smelly lo.. lyk those from those smelly 'longkangs'(aka smelly drains).. can even smell it from a thousand miles... Its a real pungent smell !!! tot wat is it..?? walk further down..oh my..its a shop sellin "smelly tofu". veri smelly lo... n noe wats e best part.. dear wana eat.(??!!?) oh my.. so there we r 2 idiots sitting in a smelly little shop which hav less than 5 customers at the dinner timie peak hour. when the dish came ... i was lyk.. wats so special wif it man... looks juz lyk normal fried tofu. wat makes it outstanding n different fr e rest muz b tat pungent smell.( it defintely muz b!!) i realli couldnt bring myself to put tat disgusting n smelly piece of thing into my mouth. i realli muz hold my breathe b4 i chew it. yucks... i'll NEVER try tat ever again. ate tom yam kway tiao soup ltr after tat. dear wasnt veri happy there. =( sry dear... u noe u look better when u smile so dun frown so often k? hehe took bus hm after tat... tiring day~~
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 *von* -> been having early mac breakfast wif dear these few days. realli cherish every moment spent wif him (thou he tink otherwise) even if its onli a few mins. My baby is a naruto-siao. keep hunting for naruto stuff, regardless of wheather it is of any use or not. Eg. coaster, mouse pad, keychain, comic..etc. Actually i oso tink tat naruto quite cute la.. (after watchin the anime) lolx.dun realli feel tat happy these few wks..esp when almost all e ppl i noe has gone for SIP and here i am stuck in TP. Sometimes, i realli find myself a burden and very useless. All i can do is zi wo an wei. (console myself when nobody does) I realli dun lyk showing other ppl how sad a state i am. So if i show some of u face or seem unhappy in some way or another, im sori..dun mean it. Sian..MMPG lab later... realli dislike e teacher. always askin mi stupid qns. haizz... maybe i should tink postively... Im gonna meet keng n meida later for madagascar( think i spell correctly, did i?.. haha).
Sunday, June 05, 2005 *von* -> recap of wat happen on friday n yesterday.went queensway wif dear on fri... wanted to buy e nike bag there..but didnt manage to find it. Instead, saw a veri nice adidas jacket.ohhh.. dear bought it for mi!!! oh my.. actually i want to try for fun onli..(cos too ex..). tanks a lot..a lot..took a bus down suntec. saw e bag i wanted at the nike shop there. but more ex. but i realli want to have the bag veri much... soo happie tat i finally have it. =DDD walk to marina square. c wats it lyk after renovation. onli 70% completed. a lot of shops still haven open. realli find tat e layout of the place isnt veri well done-up cos so messy. met yan xia.. find tat she gettin more n more siao~..lol. finally found e right size n right colour of heels i wanted for months.. cheaper by a few dollars cos sale ma..haha dun have to worry abt shoes for presentation liao.. cos i tink i got abt 4 presentation tis sem. omg.~~ scary. haha bought a lot of things ... plus dear bought 2 bags(kappa n nike) . wow... realli shoppin day for both of us man. actually feeling quite sad in the beginning of the day de.. but after meetin dear.. feel veri much better. realli enjoy spendin time wif him. sorrie dear for makin u spend so much on mi.. i return u next mth can? cos tis mth not enuff money liao. tanks veri veri much... i appreciate it veri veri much. muacks..(blushes..<_< ) yesterday..pei dear abt 6 hrs b4 his bball training. walk walk ard tm, cs, bedok central. so qiao saw fang n keng in tm.. haha
Yvonne ~Adores~
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