Wednesday, March 30, 2005 *von* -> perhaps i should do sumthin more useful durin my long long holidae.. i guess i will visit e library(after a long long tym) n REALLI borrow a book n READ n COMPLETE e book..haha dun wana rot @ hm.. wait somebody will start to hiam mi again..lolx
Tuesday, March 29, 2005 *von* -> my teeth still hurtz when i bite on sumthin(which is gd cos i can go on diet..hehe).. went out wif jing fang today. walk walk ard orchard den saw a lot of nice stuff. i lyk e butterfly necklace.. perfect wif white plain tee..lookin forward..heez lyk e skirt vvv much.. so style but too bad its $169..gosh.. y is it so ex.. wait till i can afford e money i oredi not suitable to wear it le ba..haiz.. hope e price will drop more n more.. saw linlin n marie while we were walkin... haha.. so qiao wor.. go work those army work still wear so nice...xian army bois ah...lolx.. holidae damn sian lehh...let mi list out the no. of things i wanna do tis holidae: 1. i wana slim down.. i wan b REAL skinny. 2. i wana learn to ride bike "properly". 3. i wana rollerblade. 4. i wana change my wadrobe. 5. i wan to watch vcds. 6. i wan to pass my supp paper. 7. i wan to ..erm.. take up a job...if hav.. 8. i wana hav lotsa money.. 9. i wan buy nike shoes. 10. i wan to be happy everyday. [to b continued....]
Monday, March 28, 2005 *von* -> im in great pain!!! ouch.. so pain.. few days cannot eat le.. muz go on diet liao
Sunday, March 27, 2005 *von* -> juz read somebody's blog commentin abt e suicide of a man tryin to pick shoe (??). crazy fellow. as if e shoe is more precious than his life. died bcause of a shoe tat has drop into the mrt track. he can easily ask for help or juz get out of e station and get a new pair of shoes. as simple as tat. even if e shoe is branded and cost lyk a thousand or million bucks, so wat.? is it more impt than his life? isnt life more precious than anythin else.?and by the way, shouldnt there be station controllers( watever u name it..) patrollin e station platform? so wat if there is a video tape to take down wat happen? can things b reverse? can e dead be revive? y dun ppl do things to prevent such things from happening and not puttin e blame on whos fault is it after things hav happened. a silly action of his cause many thousand ppl to b affected. he should actually b happily preparin for his wedding two weeks later but juz bcos of a shoe??? or is it pre-destined?? hmmm... ps: tanks lin for ur encouragement...im feelin much better nw... K next wk? hee =)
Saturday, March 26, 2005 *von* ->woke up fr my nap.. feelin hungry. went out alone. 1 paparoti for dinner. c other food n clothes veri tempted but control. cos i noe when i start buyin i cannot control. feelin so sian walkin alone ard tampines central. nth seems to interest mi. here i am typin my second entry for e day.=( *von* -> usually i look forward to saturday vvv much( izzit bcos of e daily routine..who noe) but nw.. tis is e worst saturday ive been thru. or izzit bcos exams over, schs over, holidae hav started n im actin tis way.. i realli realli will go mad 1 day if i stay hm for 1 whole week man cos im already feelin so since yest til nw. its unbearable. When theres too much things piling up for mi to do.. i find it so stress but when theres nth for mi to do n i wish to get out of the hse theres no one there for mi. Why is things always not on my way. Things are always not right. Its gonna rain soon. why muz it rain.. i lyk e feelin of rain in the past but i dun now(or at least at this point of tym). Im hungry now but there no food. I dun noe wat e hell im doin, juz now im v frustrated now. haiz..forget it =(
Friday, March 25, 2005 *von* -> im so bored... exam finish le...but nt at all happy nor relax...feel so terrible...includin exam matters. im startin to wonder wat am i here for. wats my mission? to study and get gd grades? but i cun for i always get lousy grades. wats my purpose in life? i totally hav no idea. i guess ppl who totally hav no goals n purpose in life should drop dead right away(includin mi). Some ppl r gifted in their ability to draw, ability to speak fluently, able to do things tat nt many ppl could do. They r e ones tat r fit to live for they do hav a purpose in life. Others juz struggle their way thru life hopin to pass any obstacles tat come their way. It sometimes juz make one jealous of e possession of others' tat one dun hav. It may be clothings, bags or it could be juz sumthin tat one lacks and wan veri badly to hav it as well. Others have a colourful and happening life everyday. Mine? its juz so monotonous. Sometimes i realli hate myself to the core. I cun seem to do even a single thing right.I've gt no ambition no goal and no talent. I juz have a buch of unsolvable troubles. Don't know why am i still living in this planet earth. Belong to Heaven but Hell wans mi ?! NAh!! I belong to Hell and Hell wans mi badly.Dun noe y suddenly so much emotions come to mi. Wake up 6am to call dear up. Put my hp alarm to snooze mode and carry on slpin for another 1 hr..30 mins..and another 30 mins..and last 15 mins.. n i finally woke up at 8.45am.. yawnzz.. tution @ 10.. nth to do after tat den go hm lo.. mum suddenly ask,"quarrel ah..nv go out wif bf ah?" I was lyk oh pls man..wat on earth u wan mi to do..go out den u say i always go out.. nv go out kena suan by u. zuo ren zhen nan~` Too bored at hm( guess im juz nt used to b @ hm e WHOLE day), started to play computer games. From Diner Dash(mum's comment: so cute..so clever..i dun even noe hw to play.. -_-") to SuperChef(mum's comment: tis game is eactly lyk wat dongdong(my baby cousin) is playin rite now diaoz-) to PinBall from windows xp package(mum's comment: no comment, juz lots of sound effect) and finally ROSE online( mum's out of e hse @ tis pt of tym thus no comment made)... have so much trouble findin the city of zant man... is e map confusin or am i too stupid? haiz.. finally found e stupid old warren den ask mi go valley of dunno wat tower den find e person liao.. he ask mi dunno do wat..troublesome. ARGHhhh... cun stand it anymore..too lag.. veri tired after e long and tiring gaming session.. thus i decide to reward myself to a gd nap.. ZzzzZzz.. wake up n im typin tis super duper long entry..haiz
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 ![]() mi..
![]() tryin to act lyk jay chou..lolx
![]() yoyo.. hip-hop wor haha
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 *von* -> suppose to go sch print notes de. den too tired to get out of e hse. want to stay @ hm n study but tempted by linlin( my kbox khaki)..hee.. sing sing sing... fun wor.. i finally can sing "wo ai ni" w/o much difficulty liao.. esp those rap n fast fast part...3 cheers for von von... =) rush for tution after tat. seems tat dear veri busy these few days.. haiz.. i tink i hav enuff of short skirts n tees liao.. i will stop buyin those n aim for other stuff.. those more ladylike de..hehe.. wana b more "shu nu" .. wahaha. so if i realli hav e urge to buy.. pls..realli pls.. STOP MI..!!! haha.. n of cos i wan a digital cam... i wan take lots n lots of photosssss... heex
Sunday, March 13, 2005 *von*-> went st. anthony sch for lunch.. gt carnival there..those food n games stuff..dear gt coupons..damn hot there..cun stand e heat..but nt bad la..den went TM ..walk walk c c look look..saw kym ng n quan yi feng..makeup so thick..haha..intended to watch series of unfortunate events onli(by Jim Carrey)...den after e show ..went ard look look.. another theatre going to show another movie..went in n watch..haha.. -The Hitch-..so qiao..e movie tat i wana watch..$8.50 for e price of 2 movie..hehe...shhhh..dun tell ppl wor..hahan btw linlin..i saw "louis koo" today..haha..xian mu ba...lolz messages i found quite interesting in my friendster bulletin board... share wif u peeps out there..enjoy.. Guys VS Gers..~ *wat guys actually r tinkin..* When a GUY is quiet,they are sleepy or watching Disney Channel while ya go on wif yr life story on e fon... When a GUY is not arguing,He couldnt be bothered explaining cos EVERYTHING will be wrong. When a GUY looks at u with eyes full ofquestions,Yr MakeUp is 2 Thick or ere sumting in between yr teeth! When a GUY answers "i'm fine" after afewseconds,we are really fine, we say wat we mean, tat is e HUMAN way of Communicatin! When a GUY stares at you,He doesnt know how to steal glances at a gal thus gettin spotted or u r checkin out his bf. When a GUY lays on your chest,He is showing his sensitive side, dunt abuse it or tats e last u c of it. So Embrace him! When a GUY calls you everyday,Ya scare all his Galfrens away n he doesnt mind cos he loves u deep deep. When a GUY wants to see you everyday,Pls refer to above ans. When a GUY sms's u everyday,He wants to Know if yr hp werking or batt flat (if yes u muz ve been yackin on e fon wif some guy) hehehehe When a GUY says I love you,Depends on e tone and seriousness, e outcome varies extremely. It either make or break yr day. When a GUY says that he can't livewithout you,He probably is very sensitive n suicidal, so unless ya wanna make a police report , u beta be nice.... When a GUY says "i miss you",Yr parents maybe misses u more when u out wif him! hehehhe, Lets not exagerate the facts of life, embrace reality and take it as it comes. love is a very beautiful things n ladies, dunt expect yr guys to behave like the " yr fren's bf where he did this n this ..... fer his gf." cos all guys r unique in their own ways too. Everybody have flaws. So think twice b4 saying something to e person u love. Think b4 u say. *wat gers actually r tinking* In the presence of him, you pretend to ignore him, and look away.But hoping that he'll look your way.But when he is no longer there, you look around to find him. And get so disappointed to know that he is gone. Although you are talking to someone else,your eyes are fixed on him. You find your textbooks filled with his name.And in the midst of your school desk, you could actually spot his name there. Everytime your handphone beeps, you hope to see his name..When it's not him, you get so depressed. When your phone gets quiet, you have the temptation to sms him.When he doesn't reply, you let your imagination run wild and get so sad.Cos you feel unimportant to him.And sometimes wonder, if he had even forgotten your existance. Three quarters of your handphone inbox are his smses.And you find yourself unable to delete any one of them.When you really have to, you feel your heart ache. When there's a new movie outThe first person you WISHED to watch with, is him.But always end up watching it with your friends. When people mention the words " Valentines Day",The first thing that appears in your mind, is his name. You realise that your conversations with your friends never fail to include him in your topic. You worry if he would fall for someone else,And it hurts when you know that the person will never be you. You find yourself getting so affected by just one word or action from him.Sometimes you get angry with him for some reasons, and feel yourself hating him.But once you see him again, your heart melts, and find yourself loving him, once more. You swore for more than a hundred times never to sms him again,But found yourself sending a message, and the receipient, is him. You try to forget himBut got reminded of your memories with him.Many times, you force yourself to stop liking him,But found it even harder than killing yourself. You try to convince yourself, that you dont like him anymore.But find the person on your mind to still be him. While you are reading this, the one that has appeared on your mind,is him, right?Just like when I was typing this, it was him on my mind as well, all the while.Its tired to live in pretence and lies.You cant avoid it. Love is cruel.It hurts, almost all the time. It's difficult to find two hearts that are willing to beat for each other.Only one aint gonna work..It'll only end up in a heart break.He's not gonna come and pick up the broken pieces of you.Perhaps he'll just walk over you with another girl by his side.Not you.i neo it hard to put down someone u love.but u still must try.f not u wont neo u will be doing wat silly things.guys ar all the same ...if they are really urs they will come back no matter wat. mayb its quite true in some way or another..take tym to ponder over..haha..
Thursday, March 10, 2005 *von*-> a few hrs ago is a big day..together for 6 mths liao... haven buy ur present...buzy la..promise to get it within these few days ok..heex..so scared b4 my turn to present... den when i start to demo my proj.. pblms start cumin out.. i was lyk..wat e .. so scary..tis cannot tat cannot..sure deduct marks de.. den summore hand in 15 mins late..den run up n down..haiz..dun tok abt it.. hope he wun so petty deduct my marks for tat ba.. i dun ask for more..i juz wan a PASS !!.. pls.. grant tis little wish of mine..~~PLS... i realli fear to take sup..fear to fail ..e feeling is so terrible..TP system is way too fast.. or am i too slow ??!? haiz.. after proj demo..feel relieved.. phew~~ den go meet dear cos no dreamweaver @ hm cannot do stmd ( which need to b handed in tml.which is today..lolz) ... feel a bit bad..left marie they all n went off.. but wat can i do man..i cun do anythin there oso.. tried out dreamweaver n fireworks which he burnt for mi... realli panic when cannot work...so damn scared... cos my interface haven even finish..not to mention e codes n data.. den keep on sayin wat go his hse do.. omg.. its lyk 11+ 12 + liao.. hw can it b possible.. den guided mi step by step thru phone..teach until so pek chek..haiz.. realli sori for troublin u..aligato-* im stupid.. realli veri stress a few hrs ago lo..haven do interface..haven do final report..lyk will fail lyk tat..so scared..lucky nw better..interface n report ok le.. left codes..den tml go print sum stuff can liao.. guess i'll b a panda tml..3am in the morning still typin tis bloggie.. -im crazy- callin dear up in 45 mins tym to watch his soccer match... soccer freak man..but i doubt he will wake up.. haha will b much more relieve tml... last proj of e sem liao..den revision for exam..I MUZ PASS>> bless mi..~~ juz to update u peeps... im teachin tutiton nw..hehe.. any tution lobang or any job wif high salary..i dun mind..=p contact mi if gt wor..dun "sell fish" hor..haha
Sunday, March 06, 2005 *von* -> tanks dear for e bag..SAY THE SEVEN WORDS..=P i luv to b in ur presence..~~ hehe.. *=) anyway, u need to brush up on e song..need more practice..gt lyrics oso no use..need a pro teacher to coach... e erm..no need to look for 1..cos yuan zai tian bian jing zai yan qian..===
Thursday, March 03, 2005 *von* -> hmm..lets tok abt wat happen yest 1st..sch as usual.. 8am tut but reach @ 8.45am.. reach liao..e stupid teacher say "ok.. class dismiss!!" wtf..den ate mac breakfast..den still gt a lot of tym..lin n mi reported ourselves to kbox as usual.. heex.. back to sch for lab.. walk ard TM after sch.. dun feel lyk goin hm..bumped into ai shing....shop together.. started to get worried for cmsk interview ..dunno wat to wear.. wat to bring ..wat to prepare.. headache!! saw 1 couple fr TP on my way hm...wear qing lu zhuang wor...eee..hahah..so lovin for who to c sia..haha..today ah..erm..presentation in the morning lo..look much more better than monday..haha..i so blur.. hw could i forget to bring portfolio..zhu tou..who cares..i count liao..will pass jiu hao..>_< went back hm to change n watch vcd..stupid dear dun wan hav breakfast wif mi..jk..lol lesson as usual lo..n here i am in stmd lab..zhuo bo~ so nan de..nv pon lesson wor.. =~clap clap~=
Wednesday, March 02, 2005 *von* -> finally formatted my com n upgrade liao.. of cos all e credit goes to him * tanks dear* feel so shiok using com nw..haha @ least i did sumthin today.. nv waste e day away..lol nth much to say.. so juz sit back n enjoy e pics... taken on monday after ITEN presentation.. =D
![]() chio worrr...=P ![]()
![]() =) ![]()
![]() relieve tat its all over~~ @ last..!! ![]()
![]() ITEN gp..# ![]()
![]() >*`aCt cUtE vOn n b|g Sm|le L|n`*< ![]()
![]() formal look..*~* ![]()
![]() mi n florence...@ e..TOILET..haha~~ ![]()
![]() after presentation 2~~ ![]()
![]() after presentation~~ ![]()
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